Play the upcoming Patch v.1093 this Sunday, March 21st!

Hello Operatives!

Server will go under maintenance Sunday March 21st roughly from 11:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC (possibly extending until 13UTC).

Among the bugfixes and improvements in both he client and the server, this patch will include two major balance changes. Lets see them briefly.

» New Alter Logs skill

Alter Logs is currently under-used as it doesn’t allow control over the logs that are faked. While this is currently good for the Rival Hacker (it is the best way to signal to agents that there is a rival hacker among the team) it is a bit difficult to be used effectively by agents due its random nature. It also stands to reason that agents should be able to target their alter log ability if they want to target a specific NETSEC operative.

From v.1093, “Alter Logs” will now present a dedicated interface, as you will be able to either:

– use it as usual, with a random amount of logs on a specific node


– target one fake entry (and only one) on a specific node

This change opens up a lot of new ways for agents to play and focus suspicion on a player, as well as allows agents to fake other classes (spearphisher, analyst or improvised hacker) as they can fake a download intel action.

This change may be rebalanced in the future. Initially, this feature would also allow to select the day of the fake log, however the feeling is that it would be too disruptive for NETSEC so while it is not etched in stone, the behaviour of Alter Logs will probably stay linked to the day of execution.

Unlike most hacking tools UI shown Untrusted, which are all real and fairly reproduced to mimic as best real software behaviour, Clogger does not exist, but is – I think – an amazing name for a fake log injector.

» Reworked Rival Hacker

The rival hacker is probably the most mistunderstood role in the game. Often hated by the community due to its lack of defenses against AGENTs (which would often mistake them for a real NETSEC operative) it is clear that the way the Rival Hacker should be played is probably something to put aside for a possible, future class.

For this reason, the Rival Hacker will be getting few changes that will change its play-style, making it more ‘passive’ and focused in slowing NETSEC progress, rather than proactive in investigating who the AGENTs are.

Namely, the upcoming changes are:

  • Rival Hacker becomes a unique spawn (no longer 2x RH in the same game)
  • “Rival Hacker” loses “Alter Logs”
  • “Rival Hacker” loses “doxx and stalk”
  • “Rival Hacker” gains “Harden Node”
  • “Rival Hacker” gains “Jam Network”
  • “Rival Hacker” gains “Topology Knowledge”
  • “Rival Hacker” gains “Throw Under The Bus”
  • “Rival Hacker” gains new passive skill “Blackmailed Informer”

The new skill, “Blackmailed Informer” is a new passive skill that will automatically pass on the Agent Leader Intelligence Informer intel to the Rival Hacker as well.

Blackmailed Informer You have dirt on the informer that is helping AGENTs. He will relay to you his intel, whenever the Agent Leader asks for it.

» Sunday Stress Test?
It’s a great chance to try together these new changes, especially if you haven’t been playing Untrusted lately. Since this new patch, as simple as it is, should change a lot of dynamics, it would be great if we could also try stressing up the server a bit more. The new networking changes seem to have improved both client and server stability, but why not stressing this more? Lest play this Sunday – games will be going on for the whole day as usual, but if you have to pick a time, lets meet at 20UTC – and lets see how the server behaves πŸ™‚

Patch 1.092 and new Community Event out now!

Hello operatives!

Today, with patch 1.092 (see here for all changelogs) also comes a new Community Event: the Cryptocurrency Heist Community Event!

From 18:00 UTC onwards today (and until there are codes available), you will be able to purchase ‘confidential information’ in the game store, and obtain clues that will lead you to the discovery of codes that will unlock an exclusive avatar and 20.000 coins each!

Make sure to join our discord for a more fun experience πŸ™‚

Event notes:

– The event will last as long as there is at least one code available to be found
– Purchasing the confidential information will grant you one clue at the beginning of the game
– Clues are only visible to you and are not logged in the game web log – make sure to take note of it immediately!
– Max 1-code per person

Untrusted is now live on Steam Early Access!

Good news, everyone!

Untrusted is officially released on Steam and the early access event is live!

Click here to get Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

What happens during this weekend?

Untrusted will officially unlock on Steam for everyone, as a free to play Early Access game – to celebrate this milestone, we’ll have some fun on the weekend with some special events!

First of all, we’ll have some scheduled sessions to stress the server as much as we can:

Friday 29th January, 20:00 UTC
Saturday 30th January, 16:00 UTC
Sunday 31st January, 20:00 UTC

Of course feel free to hop into the server at anytime in addition to the scheduled games!

Everyone that will play a full game during the weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) will get a “Steam Early Access” event badge – get it during this weekend only!

Additionally, all obtained xp will be doubled during this weekend!

Furthermore, there will be some new things coming (both during the weekend and after) that will allow you to obtain some exclusive avatars and extra coins. Check the Discord for more information.

An example? Sure! Stream a game of Untrusted over twitch from Jan 29th up until the end of February (and share your video on our Discord Server ) to unlock the exclusive “Early Streamer” avatar seen here!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended especially for this event!

Play Untrusted during the Steam Early Access Release Weekend Event!

Good news, everyone!

Untrusted is officially releasing on Steam this weekend – don’t miss the release event!

Click here to get Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

What happens during this weekend?

Untrusted will officially unlock on Steam for everyone, as a free to play Early Access game – to celebrate this milestone, we’ll have some fun on the weekend with some special events!

First of all, we’ll have some scheduled sessions to stress the server as much as we can:

Friday 29th January, 20:00 UTC
Saturday 30th January, 16:00 UTC
Sunday 31st January, 20:00 UTC

Of course feel free to hop into the server at anytime in addition to the scheduled games!

Everyone that will play a full game during the weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) will get a “Steam Early Access” event badge – get it during this weekend only!

Additionally, all obtained xp will be doubled during this weekend!

Furthermore, there will be some new things coming (both during the weekend and after) that will allow you to obtain some exclusive avatars and extra coins. Check the Discord for more information.

An example? Sure! Stream a game of Untrusted over twitch from Jan 29th up until the end of February (and share your video on our Discord Server ) to unlock the exclusive “Early Streamer” avatar seen here!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended especially for this event!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted Early Access client from Steam – you will need a beta key as the game is not publicly available Steam yet – make sure to join the discord server at !

If you prefer, you can play the WebGL version on itch.

How long can I play?

As much as you want! The scheduled sessions usually lasts 2-3 hours, however feel free to hop in the server anytime – not enough players online? Joining the Discord Server to find players!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this (outdated) quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Of course!

Do I need to give you my email address?

You will need to create an account, either via steam (no email required) or by registering with your email and clicking the confirmation link.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

Of course not! There are two tutorials in place that will teach you the basics – if you’ve never played a social deduction game you may be a bit disoriented, but we’ll teach you πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!

Join the next Sunday Playtest on January 24th 2021!

Join us for some fun games as we get close to Steam Early Access Release! Lets stress the server πŸ™‚

This beta focuses on polishing the client and adds some minor balance changes, and is in general the “release candidate” playtest session!

If you haven’t already, make sure to wishlist Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

Playing the beta

January 2021, Sunday 24th, Beta Playtest

This beta session playtest will take place at 20:00 UTC!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted beta from Steam – you will need a beta key as the game is not publicly available Steam yet – for better coordination, it would be appreciated if you could join the discord server at where you can also get a Steam key!

If you prefer, you can play the WebGL version on itch.

How long does the event last?

The Sunday event will last as long as there are players, usually at least 2-3 hours.

The test needs to assess the server capacity under stress. The server will – in theory – stay up for the whole weekend, assuming there are enough players to play. But for the event per se, we are targeting at least 60 to 120 minutes, with as many players as possible. If you have friends that may be interested, please help us spread the word!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this (outdated) quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Yes! Stats may be wonky during the beta phase, but that aside, yes, accounts are not reset between each playtest.

Do I need to give you my email address?

Not at all. For the beta testing phase, there is no email confirmation required.

You will still need to input an email address to create an account: you can freely insert something like if you don’t want to share your email.

However, if you wish to reuse your account in the future, make sure to use your real email address.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

It would be preferred, as the learning curve is usually steep for this kind of games, but everyone is welcome. This is also a good way to stress test the server for its performance. Playing the single player tutorial is highly recommendend, make sure you at least check the videotutorial out, it’s only 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

That said, everyone is welcome πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!

Join the next Sunday Playtest on January 17th 2021!

Join us for some fun games as we get close to Steam Early Access Release! Lets stress the server πŸ™‚

This beta focuses on many bugfixes and marks the official Steam Beta – windows and linux versions now require the Steam Client.

If you haven’t already, make sure to wishlist Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

Playing the beta

January 2021, Sunday 17th, Beta Playtest

This beta session playtest will take place at 20:00 UTC!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted beta from – for better coordination, it would be appreciated if you could join the discord server at

If you prefer, you can play the WebGL version on itch.

How long does the event last?

The Sunday event will last as long as there are players, usually at least 2-3 hours.

The test needs to assess the server capacity under stress. The server will – in theory – stay up for the whole weekend, assuming there are enough players to play. But for the event per se, we are targeting at least 60 to 120 minutes, with as many players as possible. If you have friends that may be interested, please help us spread the word!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Yes! Stats may be wonky during the beta phase, but that aside, yes, accounts are not reset between each playtest.

Do I need to give you my email address?

Not at all. For the beta testing phase, there is no email confirmation required.

You will still need to input an email address to create an account: you can freely insert something like if you don’t want to share your email.

However, if you wish to reuse your account in the future, make sure to use your real email address.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

It would be preferred, as the learning curve is usually steep for this kind of games, but everyone is welcome. This is also a good way to stress test the server for its performance. Playing the single player tutorial is highly recommendend, make sure you at least check the videotutorial out, it’s only 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

That said, everyone is welcome πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!

Join the next Sunday Playtest on January 10th 2021!

Join us for some fun games as we get closer to the end of the beta testing phase! Lets stress the server πŸ™‚

This beta focuses on a lot of minor improvements under the hood and some minor – but important – game balance fix!

If you haven’t already, make sure to wishlist Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

Playing the beta

January 2021, Sunday 10th, Beta Playtest

This beta session playtest will take place at 20:00 UTC!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted beta from – for better coordination, it would be appreciated if you could join the discord server at

The installer package will be made available at least few hours before the first event starts, or you can play from your browser using the WebGL version on itch.

How long does the event last?

The Sunday event will last as long as there are players, usually at least 2-3 hours.

The test needs to assess the server capacity under stress. The server will – in theory – stay up for the whole weekend, assuming there are enough players to play. But for the event per se, we are targeting at least 60 to 120 minutes, with as many players as possible. If you have friends that may be interested, please help us spread the word!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Yes! Stats may be wonky during the beta phase, but that aside, yes, accounts are not reset between each playtest.

Do I need to give you my email address?

Not at all. For the beta testing phase, there is no email confirmation required.

You will still need to input an email address to create an account: you can freely insert something like if you don’t want to share your email.

However, if you wish to reuse your account in the future, make sure to use your real email address.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

It would be preferred, as the learning curve is usually steep for this kind of games, but everyone is welcome. This is also a good way to stress test the server for its performance. Playing the single player tutorial is highly recommendend, make sure you at least check the videotutorial out, it’s only 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

That said, everyone is welcome πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!

Join the next Sunday Playtest on January 3rd 2021!

Join us for some fun games as we get closer to the end of the beta testing phase! Lets stress the server πŸ™‚

This beta focuses on a lot of minor improvements, but also adds new content (a new tutorial, to learn how to play agents – new unlockables – and more!) and some new QoL improvements.

If you haven’t already, make sure to wishlist Untrusted on Steam!

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

Playing the beta

January 2021, Sunday 3rd, Beta Playtest

This beta session playtest will take place at 20:00 UTC!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted beta from – for better coordination, it would be appreciated if you could join the discord server at

The installer package will be made available at least few hours before the first event starts, or you can play from your browser using the WebGL version on itch.

How long does the event last?

The Sunday event will last as long as there are players, usually at least 2-3 hours.

The test needs to assess the server capacity under stress. The server will – in theory – stay up for the whole weekend, assuming there are enough players to play. But for the event per se, we are targeting at least 60 to 120 minutes, with as many players as possible. If you have friends that may be interested, please help us spread the word!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Yes! Stats may be wonky during the beta phase, but that aside, yes, accounts are not reset between each playtest.

Do I need to give you my email address?

Not at all. For the beta testing phase, there is no email confirmation required.

You will still need to input an email address to create an account: you can freely insert something like if you don’t want to share your email.

However, if you wish to reuse your account in the future, make sure to use your real email address.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

It would be preferred, as the learning curve is usually steep for this kind of games, but everyone is welcome. This is also a good way to stress test the server for its performance. Playing the single player tutorial is highly recommendend, make sure you at least check the videotutorial out, it’s only 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

That said, everyone is welcome πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!

Join the next Sunday Playtest on December 20th 2020!

Join us for some fun games for the next Beta testing! The upcoming patch addresses some minor bugs and is more focused on network improvements, so all your help is more than welcome! Lets stress the server πŸ™‚

Share the following video with your friends πŸ™‚

Playing the beta

Sunday December 20th, 2020, Beta Playtest

This beta session playtest will take place at 20:00 UTC!

Joining the Discord Server is strongly recommended!

How do I play?

You will need to download the Untrusted beta from – for better coordination, it would be appreciated if you could join the discord server at

The installer package will be made available at least few hours before the first event starts, or you can play from your browser using the WebGL version on itch.

How long does the event last?

The Sunday event will last as long as there are players, usually at least 2-3 hours.

The test needs to assess the server capacity under stress. The server will – in theory – stay up for the whole weekend, assuming there are enough players to play. But for the event per se, we are targeting at least 60 to 120 minutes, with as many players as possible. If you have friends that may be interested, please help us spread the word!

What do I need to do?

There is now a tutorial in place, so you can download the build a little before the event start (the tutorial usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete) or you prefer, you check this quick videotutorial. If you have never played any similar game before, that is fine, you will get it along the way. However:

– if you find some game breaking bug, please do not quit the match and simply rejoin. If the game crashes or freezes, restart it, log in again and select “Reconnect”. Currently, the kick function for inactivity ingame has been disabled so you have all the time to reconnect – but please report if you had some issues.

– if you see some UI bug (e.g. text disappearing, “Localized text not found” messages, wrong or missing skill notifications, etc) please screenshot and report it with a description of what you were doing, so it can be reproduced

– report any other bug if possible

– have fun πŸ™‚

Eager to play? You can start reading the manual in the meantime!

Are there language-specific servers?

Not at this moment – the playtest will be run in English. However,

Can i use my previously created account?

Yes! Stats may be wonky during the beta phase, but that aside, yes, accounts are not reset between each playtest.

Do I need to give you my email address?

Not at all. For the beta testing phase, there is no email confirmation required.

You will still need to input an email address to create an account: you can freely insert something like if you don’t want to share your email.

However, if you wish to reuse your account in the future, make sure to use your real email address.

Do I need to know how to play social deduction games?

It would be preferred, as the learning curve is usually steep for this kind of games, but everyone is welcome. This is also a good way to stress test the server for its performance. Playing the single player tutorial is highly recommendend, make sure you at least check the videotutorial out, it’s only 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

That said, everyone is welcome πŸ™‚

Can I bring friends?

Yes! It’s better if you all come to the discord server (so for example, if there are 24 players, we can do two 12 players game rather than a 16 players game and a lobby that needs to wait for the first game to end) but feel free to simply jump in anytime.

Can I stream the game on twitch or other platforms?

Absolutely! I would appreciate a link in private (either on the Discord server, or at root AT ) so I can check out the VOD later on.

Any other recommendation ?

Be kind with each other and remember that the game is in a beta stage. Don’t get mad, get involved πŸ™‚

Help us testing the game! For more information, join our discord at!